From Edits to Production to Cover + Finally Pre-Order!

It’s been a few months since I last said hello, so it’s high time that I give y’all another update on Daughter of the Salt King.

Editing Update

When I last touched base, I told you about the editing process up to the point where beta-readers got their hands on the manuscript. So what happened next?

The beta-readers gave me great feedback. They let me know where the story was slow or where things didn’t make sense. From there, I made minor adjustments to the novel in an attempt to ensure everything made sense for everyone.

Then, it was time for line edits. These are much smaller edits, and I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time thinking about commas! I was even dreaming about them.

Once that was all done, the manuscript was off to production. There has been one round of proof-reading, which is exactly what it sounds like. In the meantime, the galleys (early copies) are being printed and e-galleys are being sent to reviewers to begin to collect some trade reviews (…this is simultaneously exciting and nauseating). Reviews = publicity = books sold!

So What’s Production Like? 

Every process is going to be a little different with different publishers, but I had a blast working on the final product with CamCat Books. This was a really important part of the process for me. As a “bookstagrammer,” I have spent the last several years singing beautiful books’ praises, and I was TERRIFIED that I would wind up with a book I didn’t like the look of. I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but guys, I totally do. 

Luckily my fear was all for nothing!

The cover design process was so exciting. First, I was invited to look at a number of different rough covers and choose a few I liked the “bones” of most. I did, gave some feedback, and then from there was shown different varieties of those covers. We went back and forth like that for a few rounds until the final cover was perfected. And BOY HOWDY the final cover is a beaut, don’t you think?

daughter of the salt king

While the cover was getting worked on, the pages between the cover were getting designed. YOU. GUYS. I cannot even begin to tell you how blown away I am by the pages inside this book. It is a thing of beauty, and you are going to want to see them! Take my word for it: they’re very bookstagrammable

So how do you get it?

DAUGHTER OF THE SALT KING will be released February 2, 2021, and you can PRE-ORDER it now. I’ve given you the blurb below to remind you exactly what the novel is about, and I’ve put the pre-order links right beneath. 

An epic, romantic fantasy where the desert meets the sea, about the magic of wishes—and their unintended consequences.
Emel is the Salt King’s daughter, yet she has less freedom than even her father’s slaves. She must navigate not only court intrigue and a mounting rebellion but her own heart after she discovers the secret to the Salt King’s tyranny over the desert—a wish-granting jinni who is as much a slave as Emel herself, and whose wishes from his own long past are coming back to haunt the desert with unintended consequences.

You can pre-order from CamCat Books, Amazon, the Book Depository (free international shipping), and Barnes & Noble

That’s all for now. I’ll be back with another bookish update soon. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook for more frequent updates!

as thornton

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